
Our Green Credentials

We are the first independent builders' merchant in Northamptonshire to achieve FSC® (FSC® C014214) and PEFC (PEFC/16-37-244) certification, which is our guarantee that our timber products originate from responsibly managed and renewable forests which is good for us, our customers and the environment.


Timber from well-managed sources is being demanded, not only by the ‘green’ consumer lobby but increasingly by local authorities, government departments and major national building companies. We believe that the choice of materials for major construction projects is now being influenced by environmental concerns. As a renewable material, sustainable production of timber has to be proved and the demonstrable proof lies in third-party certification.


That’s why we went through a very rigorous and time-consuming assessment in 2007 to gain the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) and Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) chain of custody certification and have maintained it ever since.


FSC® Certificate

PEFC Certificate


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