How to install fence posts

If you’re about to install your own fence posts, there are a couple of things you should keep in mind for a great job. We’ve put together a short guide on how to install fence covering the basic steps of installation, maintenance, and removal.

Before you start you project there are a couple of key points to consider.

Firstly, it is recommended to check whether there are any electric mains or pipes running underneath the area you want to install your posts. Using a free online service such as LinesearchbeforeUdig, can prevent you from causing serious damage to your property.

Secondly, keep in mind that ⅓ of the post needs to be underground to make sure they are stable and can withstand strong winds.

Finally, choose the kind of posts you want to install. The two main fence post types are wooden fence posts and concrete fence posts, each with their own advantages.

Tools and materials

  • Post hole digger
  • String line
  • Tape measure
  • Spirit level
  • Gravel
  • Fence post concrete mix
  • Wood batten

Preparation and measurements


Measure the area where the fence will be installed using a string line to mark a straight line for the holes before you start digging. A flagpole line up will also be helpful to determine where the holes need to be dug and to make sure they are the right distance apart.

As mentioned before, a good rule is to ensure that ⅓ of the fence posts are underground. If you are installing a 6ft post, 2ft should be buried underground. Also, to add support for the posts and improve drainage, be sure to leave space for 6 inches of gravel at the bottom of the hole. The width of the hole should be three times the width of the fence post. It is recommended that you use a post hole digger as it is specially designed for the job and it will save you time and effort.

Installing the fence posts

  1. Place the post in the hole.
  2. Use a spirit level to make sure it is vertically level.
  3. Pour in fresh concrete until it is just about ground level.
  4. Hold the post in place for a few minutes until it starts to set.
  5. Before moving forward, make sure all the cement has hardened and that the posts are sturdy enough to support a load.
  6. After the concrete has fully hardened, you can cover the remaining part of the whole with the ground originally dug out.

How to remove a fence post

There are a few easy steps to follow if you need to remove an old fence before installing a new one, but you should plan ahead because it requires extra effort.

  • Dig around the post to remove soil about 1 foot in depth. This will reduce the ground resistance.
  • Push the post from side to side to loosen the ground around it.
  • Use a hard timber joist for more force. Attach the joist at a 45º angle to the ground, stand on its end, and push your bodyweight downwards until the post is loosened from the ground.
  • Once the post is loosened enough, the joist can be detached, and the post removed from its hole.

How to maintain your fence and prevent it from rotting

Making sure the wood is treated is one of the finest ways to protect your fence. By applying wood preservers to each panel and post, you can seal the wood. This helps in defending against fungus, moss, mould, and water damage. Always make sure to keep leaves, grass, or plants away from the bottom of your fence as when vegetation rots, it can grow through the fence through small cracks and cause major damage.

Need help?

Check our full product range for fencing and get tools you need to install your own fence post.


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